how to get rid of acne and pimples

how to get rid of acne and redness
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hi, i'm kim with simply beautiful in austin,texas. a question i get a lot is "how do i reduce the redness of a pimple"? it's prettysimple and i'm going to demonstrate on elaine, who has no pimples. we're going to do thisin three steps, the first one is we're going to reduce the swelling with ice. we're justgoing to take the ice and put it right on the pimple, right on the acne, right on thebreakout, rub it around, not too hard. your skin will start getting numb but it's goingto reduce the swelling, reducing the swelling is going to really help with the redness.the second thing i'm going to recommend to you is that you get a little honey, honeyon a q-tip or honey on your finger. we're just going to put it in the same spot buthoney's going to act as a natural antibiotic
and it's going to dry out some of those impuritiesand begin the process of healing it. so, five or ten minutes, wipe it off, rinse it off,wash it off. benzoyl peroxide is something i always recommend for breakouts, it reallydoes help dry out the surface of that breakout. this is called redness solutions from clinique,i don't endorse a whole lot of products but this is a great product for those of you whoare acne prone. so, just get a little dab, just a tiny dab on dry skin, we're just goingto dab it on. the cream is the opposite end of the spectrum, the color spectrum from red,so what it does is it evens out the tone. see how white we've gotten? elaina doesn'thave really any red underneath but it's amazing, that stuff, it's great and then just use alittle concealer over the top, just use your
concealer. actually, i want you to use iton your finger and then on the top. anything that you put directly on your skin is goingto get bacteria on it and if you put it back on your skin, you're transferring the bacteriaback to your skin, so always use your finger, wash your hands a lot when you have acne.then you want to follow it up with your foundation and your powder and you should see a realbig reduction in the redness of your acne.
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